I don’t really know what to say all of this I miss a proper political discussion at an higher altitude, I’ve been tinkering with courses and sort of skipped the subtle panic making.
I can’t fully perceive what happens there, because of lack of information, I am unsure what is the root cause of the corruption of the goverment and stage red coup d’etat attempts. Instead of a proper integration of obviously, stage amber/red/beige laws. The same goes for ressources as well as UL integration. For instance confusing psychology let alone with religion might be a good distinction.
If they themselves are not willing to change any of it, I presume military intervention is necessary to counter-act potential local to global threats.
A proper plattform for discussion would most likely give them a larger chance to re-cuperate, besides selling guns to stage red drives.
Since, I am not an ambassador I don’t know how far they can pull themselves up from their own bootstraps. As long as the country itself does not find a common goal, I don’t know what can help them besides giving them the plattform they need under the current circumstances that are there and sort of let stage blue organized military take care of “cleaning up”…
The point of opening-up and sharing common commonalities between each intepreation of “islam” that might exist, would definitely facilitate integration. A proper integral understanding of islam also. Meaning how could you apply islam in all four quadrants, since this seems to be appropriate.
The crux most likely would be how to move red to amber. Without causing a massive bloodsheet as well as is the bloodsheet neccessary. I don’t know how willing they are to find a proper voice for their interests so the U.N could help them, instead of the military. As well as what would be an 4 quadrant goal for them in order to grow from red to amber, as well as purple to healthy red. As a more unified thought. As well as what are common examples from history that helped a country go from red to amber. Besides people believing in themselves in LL. What are examples of healthy red without warfare ?
Point being something as simple as a temple they can worship and follow would most likely do more good as an LR construction, instead of introducing a higher technoeconomic baseline, as well as a few pioneers who are working in the background, to produce more systemic order at the appropriate level. The point is stage red interpreation of seizing power via violence and calling that justice. Aborts this process entirely when they are no higher yellow values present.
The point being I have no idea, why legit people go crazy over the interpretations of the Islam, or why they are interested in a coup d’etat.
Is it as simple as introducing from Green more purple notions of society so people are working peacefully together in their tribes ? As well as how important is it for them to have surrounding countries that can support them economically on a blue basline of trade for instance for their most basic needs. As well as even drive for novelity in the sense of tourism.
I don’t know if this is also a question for higher altitude science when considering theories such as the kardeshev scale as well as a dyson sphere.
I don’t know why a more healthy and alive vibrant purple culture could not help them, as a factor for becoming more peaceful within themselves. Having a proper ritual in a sense for them to come to peace instead of waging war amongst their own people.
A more stable amber without bloodshed will most likely not work, having sort of one ultimate gangster who cares about their people in an authorative way, could also be the neccessary evil, for them to unite and find new common ground. For me the root cause again seems to be LL mainly steming from UL. As well as LL steming from UL. What the underlying bias is would be great to know of how neccessary it seems to be why they need to bombard themselves and tear down their cities.
Giving proper access to ressources that are non-violent as we as non-interventonistic could produce a more stable society on their own terms, the point being they might have to fight among themselves, for proper translation to occure. Leaving them alone then might just be right action.
- Clean Up: - Own cultural history that involves islam ? How deep does this need to go considering Africa and tribes, having a larger “plurality” of perspectives about their tribes and ancesteory. Might give them more glimpses to a more Green reality. Sort of like peak state structure stages in a more collective form. (Insights)
- Wake Up: - Might more be an escape in the case of their harsh living realities, yet considering how this might be an option for them as a “global” reminder of how suffering can be alleivate through non-violent meanse even in lower stages might give them a better shot at understanding. Their own local issues.(Purple insights). Point being if rurual areas are not interested in living sort of like modern tribes with a higher value basis in LL. Then there is no common understanding of a “holoarchical deal”.
- Grow Up: - Is most likley needed in some form of “hidden red” expansion of their perceived influence, point being what do they desire ?
- Show Up: - Making this effort publically individually and collectively as a bond accepting a caleidoscope of experience. Locally as well as globally.
The point is then scaling this to the 4 quadrants changing the individual. I gave my best attempt at giving ideas, because I am still not deeply entrenched in integral theor yet.
The point being I don’t know what structural approach could work here, I get lost looking for ideas on Wikipedia for this.
How would an teal approach look like and what is sort of the yellow deal in order to accept the harsh living realites of all being including their worldview ?
Considering life conditions, flash points, hot spots, alpha, beta and gamma traps causing a delta surge. I did not study spiral dynamics in that level of depth.
A simple question would be how could their society prosper with keeping violence to a minimum.