Is The World Order About To Collapse?

He keeps himself front and center, lol.
My question is - why is he such a sensitive topic for you?
He is the big pink elephant in the room and you think it’s derangement to discuss a bright orange elephant rampaging in a china shop? lol
I send your projection back towards you - YOU are closed minded - which is why you immediately shut down any discussion regarding the big orange elephant.
Why do you presume there is emotion on my part when I was just analyzing him side by side with Elon Musk? If you assign any negative intention on my part, at least be a little bit more insightful and accuse me of baiting. That might be a bit more accurate and what I ask myself.
I’m not concerned if I have credibility. That would be embracing Orange too much - the desire that I would have of credibility outside of the actual content of what I say.
The world is full of Rubes. It’s more than 70 million Trump followers - it’s the 90% that have 90% of the very foundation of their opinions formed for them and who daily consume poisons and toxins because of clever ad campaigns. Do I do this as well? Yes, of course. I mostly recognize it, though.Where the rube is different is he is completely oblivious to the fact that hs is daily manipulated. So no, I’m not a rube because I do recognize that I am being maipulated daily and it’s just a matter of degree.

This would make more sense if the “way out” did not lead to a complete financial fleecing while the X Super-heroes laugh to the bank, or if the way out did not lead to breaking the law ans criminal convictions.

Engaging with this topic puts one at risk of being banned from this platform. Just like you @raybennett, Mr. @fermentedagave could not break the obsession with the Trump topic, my guess is that’s what got him suspended? Since most of us here are in ideological agreement with your trolling spin you remain unsuspended.

It seems that you want to spin every topic and every idea into an attack on Trump and his followers. We are the enlightened woke canceling crowd of integral life. Your the head troll to unsuspecting site visitors who risk suspension should they dare to engage and share an opposing view to our ruling majority.

That’s why this is a sensitive topic that I am quick call out.

This fits with a poem I wrote about 10 years ago:


Fool them into anarchy
Let all things settle to power’s law
One is lost and one becomes
Structures fall and more are born.

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No it absolutely does not, lol.
Now you are just making up Fake News.

Stop guessing and spreading falsehood, lol.
If you know something - say THAT. If you don’t have even the foggiest idea, then stop just making stuff up.

If you see every discussion as a personal attack - that is a problem YOU have. And also seems to be part of some kind of persecution complex.

Lol, more paranoid delusions aka more persecution complex.

It’s not the topic that is sensitive - it’s YOU who are sensitive.

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I just did precisely that! …

Your words reveal exactly who you are … Your trolling of me,@fermentedagave and many others is written all over this community platform. Ironically your comment here is so typical, I just had to like it.

I love you @raybennett because someone here has to … I wish you all the best! ~ Peace :slight_smile:

I’m really not interested about your messed up and unhealthy passive aggressive behavior that you think is love.

Name calling followed by “I love you”. I’m going to call it for what it is - complete BS and symptomatic of passive aggressive behavior - which I don’t care about in the slightest except to call it out for what it is.

The fact is that Trump is a presidential candidate and intertwined in any discussion about Elon Musk in November 2022. If you talk about Elon Musk being a leader, then you should be prepared to discuss his poor leadership over Twitter - and that includes discussing Trump. You introduced a person for discussion as a leader who is deeply involved in cultural politics - but you try to act like you are not discussing politics, lol. Sorry - no dice. Anybody with any insight whatsoever can see that you DO want to discuss politics - but you do it “low key” and in an underhanded way, so you can back out of it. This impresses on me that you feel shame about your political ideas - you can only express them sideways into a discussion and when someone actually calls you out you do your passive aggressive gymnastics.

Anyway - someone today also mentioned Trump in a discussion - better run on over there and accuse them of TDS.


On the topic of fermentedagave - he was purely here to express a party line. Nothing else. He didn’t subscribe, so it’s obvious he never listened to the full audio of anything he was discussing. Ergo every discussion he was involved in was categorically off-topic. Because he wasn’t aware of what the topic was because he couldn’t listen to it, lol. I also doubt he purchased any of the courses sold on here, again begging the question why he was here. In contrast, Corey can see my purchases and also my subscription history. While I’m not subscribed every month - I do subscribe when I see a discussion that interests me. And I also discuss that topic as it was presented (which very few people do besides maybe 2 or 3 of us).

On the topic of love - In my belief there is only one kind of love, and that is everywhere. You can call it God if you choose or “Agape”. The others are mostly just our imagination and rationalizations. It’s our choice to either tap into “Agape” or not - but it has little to do with anyone else. When you observe a newborn infant most people choose to tap into “Agape” - but some people block it. The newborn is only a vestige, not the source of love.

Similarly, I cannot “give” love, and neither can you. Neither can you take it away. You are merely a vestige as well and have no power to either give or take away love. The world is full of unrequited love. One person thinks they love a person and expresses that love (filial, eros or storage) - but it may or may not be expressed back. When filial, eros or storage love is rejected, it often turns to anger, begging the question if it was actually love at all. I say it wasn’t.

The other three types of love mentioned in the Bible (filial, eros or storage) almost always have strings attached and conditions - which disqualifies them as love, and instead makes them transactions. The only true love is Agape (God - in whatever form we envision it).

Perhaps the X leader comes in to break the corrupt system down? Or shepherd the population through the corrupt system in unconventional ways kind of like the Gray Champion in Generation Theory? I tried working within politics, nonprofits, and academia for several years and was left severely disillusioned. I soon identified with “Counter” leaders, artists, and ideas. During periods of personal struggle, I may have gone too far into deconstruction or apathy but seem to make it back to moderation and transcendence eventually - by grace I guess. I always keep that anarchic tendency within me though and can’t help but empathize with the X leader and their followers at the very least.

Well, the X leader does break systems down. That is what they do. But I’d say there are a few things to look at here.

  • Can any system be non-corrupt? If not, what is the acceptable level of corruption? I personally believe humanity is nowhere near a level where it can create a non-corrupt system. Perhaps small groups, but nothing larger than a small congregation. Even then, there is always a high risk that one person will start to take advantage of a culture of trust.
  • Do the various leaders X offer a less corrupt system that the one being torn down? In 2022, my opinion is they offer to replace a corrupt system with a more corrupt system. In any revolution there is always the high risk of counterrevolution. Marx was the leader X whose movement was taken over by Lenin. Monarchy was corrupt but Socialism enabled multiple degrees more of corruption. Monarchy was inhumane but Socialism was hellish. The legacy of leader X in that case enabled a long line of psychopaths to take power from Stalin to Putin, with only a few drunkards like Yelstin every once in a while who were not so bad.

This is probably the key point. When I talk to people in this newly emerging X counter movement (anti-vac, antigovernment, anti-progressive, all I can hear them saying is they are dissatisfied with something - but I never hear a good solution for an alternative. They aren’t building anything to replace what they want to tear down.

Actually, maybe instead of X, we should call it Z. That would be a more fitting analogy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the symbol Z is the ending. Tear everything down until everyone allows us to be on top. I think we can see in Russia the consequences of allowing the least competent among us to tear our current system down.

This is common. Idealists are destined to experience disillusionment. They have an opinion and think that only their opinion is the correct one. Ironically when they start losing battles, they become morally agnostic and begin to think the end justifies the means. I never trust idealists because I know they can easily do a 180 and do something completely amoral for their cause.
But who even said they are right, lol? They just think they are. Conservatives think they are right and liberals think they are and of course neither should get their way just because they think they are right.

The “way out” as I see it is to trust that the struggle is what is necessary - that humanity should struggle one against another to negotiate or fight out the best way. The correct path should be a difficult one. If it’s an easy path, something has gone terribly wrong and it means some kind of single-minded fanaticism has taken hold of the group. The way out is to celebrate Democracy as a ongoing and continuous peaceful struggle where you do not always get what you want.

I think we’re seeing something like this happening right now all around the world.

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Totally agree. But in some pockets more than others. Case in point:

Again, I believe social media is directly responsible for all of this. This kind of extremism could never have reached its inflection point back in the Orange media age, as opposed to this 100% postmodern media age we now find ourselves in with its emphasis on radical decentralization and red-stage standards of “freedom” (i.e. “I want freedom of speech AND freedom from consequences”, “no one tells me what to do”, etc.) And it’s hard to know where to go from here, because most of what passes for “centrism” in this culture is fully drenched in the paradox of tolerance.

Rhodes, who wears an eye patch after accidentally shooting himself in the face with his own gun, is one of the most prominent defendants of the roughly 900 charged so far in connection with the attack.

A prime example of a Type X / Z leader.
Who follows an ex soldier who shot himself in the face? That’s just basic muzzle awareness - it’s the soldier version of not tying your shoelaces together.

Putin seems to be the most competent. Problem is he doesn’t offer a viable alternative. My point is that no one has a viable alternative option.
We in the USA over the past 3 elections (2018, 2020, 2022) were able to slow down the Z movement from taking over the USA completely. We now have the luxury of observing Russia and China and we can watch the results of life two varieties of Z and the quality of life it will bring to the participants. In Russia we have a Z Dictator who is determined to tear down the New World Order through violent despotism and war, while in China we can observe the leaderless form of Z as the New World Order breaks down in China.
This is the big danger with Z - tear down the existing power structures and offer only what I expect will turn out to be horrific alternatives.

On Vaccine passports - I lived in the EU 10 years and was required by law to always carry my “Green Book”. Passports have had computer chips since 9-11. I have never had any kind of delusion in this century when travelling abroad that I was “free”. When I was young, yes. But not since the 1990’s.
The only way to be “free” is if you decide not to use their infrastructure. Build your own dugout canoe, and you are free to move without their requirements. As soon as you use their jets and their privately owned transport, they will want to track you. Not since 9-11 has anyone been able to just jump on a plane without the plane owner knowing your identity.
Which is why I personally have made life choices to retire in a place where I can live to the greatest degree possible without using “their stuff”. I’ve understood for a very long time that if I use THEIR stuff then they can make demands on me that I don’t feel comfortable with.
One example of this is my local Wallmart at some point started recording video of everyone who uses the self checkout. My choice is to either give Wallmart my biographic data, which they can then exchange with anyone they want like Facebook - or I can choose not to shop at Wallmart. But I don’t see the sense in burning Wallmart down to the ground.

A while back, about 10 years ago I was thinking about creating a website with certain religious views and borderline illegal content (psychedelic). I never did it and my interests moved on since then.

I researched hosting companies and noted that the hosting company I had my domain parked at was Mormon and there were documented cases where they removed websites that disagreed with their religious views. I though “OK, fair enough - I’ll use a more agnostic service”.

This goes back to the issue of: “Is a business required to provide services that are against their moral conscience.” There seems to be a double standard here, where the same people who want to supress LGBT expression at the same time feel it is unfair for other businesses like Twitter or Facebook to silence their view. Or vice versa.

It’s not possible to have an orderly society with either of these extremes making laws for the country. Either we say businesses have the right to refuse service to customers, or they don’t. If there are protected classes like race or gender, that also has to be consistent and not flip flop according to political ideology.

That is before we even get into actual crimes - where actual crimes are expected to be tolerated and ignored when done by one’s own political political group. Even the most basic society cannot exist if large parts of society support actual criminal activity of their group.

Your points mostly reflect personal and private entities that have no power other than deny you access to their goodies or services. The UN the WHO and WEF are not an authoritative body we exercise any control in managing.

Giving up our rights to a World Government that is seeking full authority to demand compliance at the point of gun or a compliant experimental injection is quite concerning. The US Government power is massive and is threatening to many people already.

A facist World Government is an even more terrifying fear. Especially to those populations that have suffered at the hands of dictators like Stalin, Mao and Hitler. I like this better than the political who-hates-who conversations we are having here at home in America.

While at our age as Boomer’s we need not be too concerned … the Zoomer’s, Millennial’s, GenXer’s have a lot of genuine concerns, as they should have.

It’s such a tricky issue, especially since we live in a time when our trust in our economic and governing institutions is at an all time low. And yet, we are now faced with a series of global life conditions that can only be addressed from a global scale — things like pandemics and climate change and migrations that result from climate change, worldwide economic inequality, transnational corporations without a transnational regulator, etc. And all of this really does require a new scale of global agreement, cooperation, and self-organization. Which is exactly how our governing social holons emerged in the first place — townships created problems that could only be solved at the provincial level, provinces created problems that could only be solved at the national level, nations created problems that can now only be solved at the global level. So integral would predict the emergence of a new global social holon at some point.

But the challenge, of course, is how do we get from here to there, when the people who are sitting sitting at that particular table are the same people who created so much of the national and transnational mess to begin with? How can we allow a new kind of power to emerge, that isn’t simply an expansion of current plutocratic control?

My greater concern is that these transnational entities are actively hollowing out our national institutions through excessive lobbying and regulatory capture, and being sold to the public as phony “governments are only ever bad” populism. When, in fact, a functioning government is supposed to act as a shield between the people and the plutocrats (including Musk, Bezos, and Zuck) who are actively trying to dismantle these layers of protection.

This how we get to the point where half of our country looks to billionaires to be “populist leaders”. Again, it’s a total Ayn Rand nightmare.

Which is what make it a dangerous time for this new global social holon to emerge, because these are the people who wield an inordinate amount of influence, and want to create a global system in their own self-image.

Make no mistake, one of the most pressing challenges on this planet right now is that we have a cabal of transnational corporations and no mechanisms of transnational regulation, which is preventing all these other pressing global challenges from being solved or even acknowledged.

Several months or even years ago I made the claim that we were headed for catastrophe due to fundamental flaws built into the flavor of Capitalism we have chosen. I can’t remember exactly who cast shade on me then for being too negative or whatever. I can’t remember if it was just fermented or how many others joined in.

The point I had then and seems to be coming true now is that the problem is so deep at fundamental levels that no - even Integralists don’t want to face it. Without facing it the actual roots of the problem, obviously no solution can will be found.

It goes deeper than politics and deeper than plutocrats down to a very essential human evolutionary step that humanity will either take or become extinct. If humanity as a whole does not wake up from being a bunch of stupid monkeys with an endless desire to eat and sex everything they see, then humanity is doomed.

What we are seeing now in Russia and China were completely predictable, and their repercussions on Europe and then the USA are also completely predictable. But nobody wanted or even now wants to look at these causes and instead are shocked when these things very easily predictable things happen.

Environmentalists have been screaming about water for decades - and now China has an eminent water shortage. Communists have known since Marx that Capitalism is destined to crash. Only blind faith has kept it going this long. And so on and so forth.

Perhaps utilizing AI to organize around higher principles that allow individuals to weigh in without political identity and agendas but with purpose and good faith.

For example allowing Doctors to weigh in on mass through an organized data driven platform that presents information on medical procedures to doctors who then vote in a vacuum solely on what they interpret from their own professional experience.

The data could then be tabulated and organized based on group thinking without group ideology or peer pressure. When Doctors cannot agree on the science of medicine it’s a big problem. I think most of us would agree the concerns around “emergency use authorization” of Covid shots has become much more a political issue than a valid honest medical one, especially now with the mounting evidence of negative side-effects.