Pornography Damaging Or Healthy?

What’s up Integral?

I’ve lately been getting more into relationships and sex after doing parts of Dr.Keith Witts course about loving completely and I saw I need a year or even longer to complete the course as it’s very dense and open, and it helps me a lot to attune and improve my relationships, yet what has been bothering me ever since is that the topic of pornography is not adressed in the course or I might have missed it, and if there is any healthy use whatsoever, as I struggled with this a bit in the last relationship, my partner once mentioned it, and we both agreed to the use of it and I generally don’t struggle to much with it, as I am aware of shadows and triggers doing both mindfulness and shadow work (solo unfortunately on & off) for 10 years now approx. I turned 30 this year. Fundamentally I am dissatisfied with most answers, and I keep facing higher end problems more than lower end problems, most of the issues I have around pornography stem from Green/Red stages of development if I would go by intuition, as it’s to permissive and sex is not seen as sacred anymore, which I think ppl with shadow at these stages are giving their best to reclaim and become aware of, eventually them moving to Teal etc. as solutions include mindfulness/yoga etc.

I notice it’s mostly a disconnect to nature, life, intelligence and purpose that causes me to go to pornography and physical pain I have (not really emotional I play more video games here) as I implemented a new key stone habit from Witts course which is so simple, yet effective just getting fresh air as soon as I rise for 30 seconds, IIRC Christiano Ronaldo does smth. similar he definitely goes out each morning and greets the sun/nature in that sense…

I’ve been noticing this elite level of cleanliness and attitude at purple and dovetaild it with my chinese methaphyiscs charatersitic in BaZi beign metal and metal is purity, which solved a lot of internal issues with discrimination, and I lived in China and my sub-conscious is very attuned to this I had to laugh as they triggered me as “ape”, yet that is a “metal ape” in chinese bazi and it’s seen as intelligent and they had a lot of “unconscious joy” I felt like Freud or Jung when I was there journaling and meditating, seeing ther sub-conscious yet I never understood it and just did 3-2-1 practice each week in China (Beijing 2016) and sort of sucked up their collective shadow as an alchemist, creating a lot of new ground and fire energy imo, a lot of humans loved me and my Tinder currently somehow is full with chinese girls looking for a man, and many islam/muslim women liking me, while I see the materalistic spectrum of many normal white people, and I wonder what even happened to diversity it’s all survival and bias in order to survive at times, there are plenty of quality women, even if they are rare, yet my ultimate question is, is there even any type of healthy use of pornography ever? If I engage in it consciously and masturbate consciously? Ultimately I’d like to move away from it, yet it has been helping me to create balance to some extend when I am alone and struggle with attraction etc. as my upbringing has been rather complex, growing up with to much liberal influence and resenting it recently, as I see the issue of it’s degenarcy not seeing sex as sacred, and I became a bit uppty about it, yet in a good sense I believe.

I don’t know as I don’t get any real answers, the only way seems to make enough money and contact Dr.Keith Witt as this is becoming increasingly more important, and I seem to be on a good way, and would just prefer reassurance… as I simply don’t have money and I am a bit confused with the integral stuff and there is an intuition in me saying at times nahh this is not what is currently happening at the higher edges of development as it’s missing psychedelics, a.i and fitness as well as spirituality. Whic hare my core interests. My question to integral is, is porn healthy in relationships or not? I would appreciate also a nuanced discussion, not at an academic level, yet a practical one where people happy in a relationship report their use and or non use of pornography and how it has impacted their relationship?

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I did one module about kinks with Ken Wilber and Robert Masters and explored pornography ever since (Paul Check stuff about exploration… etc.) and staged each kink approximately for me, realizing triggers and roots, yet not fully resolving the causality besides more conscious and mindful engagement. I am looking into this stuff, as I really yearn to have a more intimate experience, and I wonder if porn can enhance it or not, as it has been the case for me for self-love as an antitode to loneliness, yet I’ve also been giving myself self-love for years now in meditation, so it’s sort of a double healing effect at times, yet my energy becomes so high and kinked I can’t sleep I am super awake and times and scared to feels self-luminous, it’s like I am filling myself up with a lava lamp, while I have physical issues near the pudendal nerve and need to create a mental fabric at times, where I feel I am overminding myself out of existence (not fully knowing what it means). Any experiences with turning from pornography to fully attuned spiritual relationship or “sacred” relationship, there are so many polarities each day, when I smell nature each day and contemplate my psychdelic experience I am thinking wtf have I been doing with porn, why do I not just breathe (metal charatersitic again) and get high of life? Which I partially do now, and sort of notice a lot of stuff… anyhow … I am out I barely find any answers currently if I don’t engage directly with a person and find a lot of answers on my own…

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I just watched this and meditated to it for 50 minutes with a tarot reading in the background using this nowadays as a tool, for guidance and being more symbolic construct aware etc. I realized how important it is to educated myself and others, it’s very odd. I am contemplating BaZi charateristics to make progress, and work on my physicality otherwise I will never be happy and I have unique issues, that make me at times automatically suicidal where I only feel art can help, as society is vastly vastly asleep. I have court issues, now because I said stuff and they legit believed it stage green is very very dangerous, and I tend to disengage from these people now and educate myself, it’s not okay anymore, and I just reintegrate some amber, also my hate as a half German against German beign half American and black is endless and these humans are absolute NPC’s who are unable to compute that notion like 98% of them the 2% that can handle it are my friends and foreigners I am very happy, when I can meet my chinese friend again, for more healthy blue/orange friendship in jest and awareness of bias and deconstructing it.

I’ve read parts of the books recommended for zones, and I just saw the value of it and why I was so “angry” at this Robert Masters stuff and it’s smart for me to not engage with some people, yo I am doing Madara fucking push-ups in the gym, I am not fucking around and this concept does not exist, with that I mean I am doing handstand push-ups and meditating/arting to my music etc. and legit activating techniques contemplating bazi, and I am injured as hell, yet still functionally fit… so yeah… I hope this will be good researching and implementing, especially the shadow light aspect with mindfulness and shinzen techniques, fuck I can live a peaceful existence and enjoy life no matter if I die alone or with others… holy cow I am so thankful for Keith Witt and Shinzen also!! I would be so lost without the two, and I have to realize different strengths and come from different angles to keep some shadows at bay, that threaten my surival in that sense, especially conseravtive notions like framing Hitler as a lefitst from PragerU etc. and just connect to nature… I think this is the most intelligent thing… after a huge kriya experience I realized stuff and it does not really make sense.

I mean my second name gave birth to my first name, apparently my first name is dedicated to a war saint the highest, dude just to many connections it makes me angry and the world becomes so obvious, all I crave is health while my entire German family is ill and they act so healthy etc. It’s disgusting their minds arre not healthy by far, like the more I retrace stuff willingly or unwillingly some German is at fault… anyhow… I hope I can be more pro-social and digest shadows similar to how I did it in China, my new workplace is better without toxic white females, currently they are the larger issue imo and feminism is just negating male healing at times, idk it’s very odd it’s like they are stuck at green raising male pets, when they meet integral they break and enact their higher teals…, yet see their issues … anyhow! I’ve had enough recently and flipped completely, the was the first time and last time I am doing that, I am glad to have worked with a good psychologist who has an exteremely good intuition, yet behaviourism is fked imo as they neglect the internals to much about values, drives and desires. As a way to enforce and engage in behaviour change etc.

I hope I can continue to study relationships, I have no idea how bad or good I am, as I am also a psychdelic consumer and this has strong sociatel notions, yet it heals me from the “materalism of the majority priviledge” as I can only cope with “physical horse” aspects working out looking good and advancing in survival, anyhow this is fantastic!!! Yet I get roasted by players a lot it’s an annoying sphere to be in and idk I had a fantastic ex, yet also a lot of shadow stuff and I had to take a break.

Let’s see… I struggle I think the most with desire & addictions as a four, yet I yearn to explore it and I find a lot of healing at times, yet striking balance is not easy when I don’t attune and it’
s insane how much biological factors can determine attunement having a scar since birth and fully knowing “hey just fuck you body today, we will severe the mind body connection” and yeah it’s not fun to perceive a painful split and heal it an reintegrate it and notice sub-personalities, although I think society made me rather healthy sometimes to good to be true… anyhow!! This is fantastic to work on my psychology and individual psychology the new brene brown audiobook and just higher spiritual dimensions with classic shadow work and just going inside, there is no real need to read, yet certain practicing beign more pro-social and shadow work and masterign relationships etc. are just important.

I neglected exercising last relationship as I felt so healthy from so much sex, and idk man I (sorry for language at times) I fked her like after watching porn to test it and I came like 5 times alone at home and then 4 times with her, and she was still like considering what is wrong, I feel like “automatically” so lost at times, for beign me and knowing how fast I can change with proper support, like I can do a handstand push-up almost after like 3 days of training???

I preped a lot and including stuff from human design as she was also a 2/4 breezer etc. is very very interesting, thank you for sharing I will hopefully focus more on integrating this and carrer/financial advice. I am pretty good, yet not in a relationship I lost fking 12k€ and have two court cases, simply by trusting others? Like how fkign stupid am I? Yet barely anyone can relate, so I can talk to Shinzen again very fun! And these psychologists should loose their license I get triggered because of them and I can do at best a shadow work session with them, as the modality currently is not working and I yearn for a new shadow modality that fits. I noticed stretching and dancing/singing helps me after reading the body keeps the score, and finding intelligent ways to work with primal energy anyhow I am out!!

The point is I grew up without a father and at least not having much contact, becoming so manly in my own mind, due to just biological markers and societal reinforcement, I was parenting with my ex her mother which almost had a Ph.D and is quantum aware which I highly like … appreciate…, yet it’s disgusting what western civilization with cigarettes and sugar has done, and how hypocritical that is and not at a Yellwo spectrum it was a legit dysfunction for me at least it was dysfunctional and even though I still love her family somewhere deep down as I resent mine, it caused a lot of problems in mine, as my mother got operated and I realized most of my sucidial thoughts stem from the relationship to my mother after seeing my exes mother and her kids and her story etc. which is insane… my second name is also dedicted to Saturn which is just cruel, yet funny to my dark humour…

As they neglect their physical health and fuck up their genetics with ciagettetes and negative energy and alcohol, the two kids were so disugsted an appaled at her cigarette smoking which reminded me as a kid with my single-mother and I don’t think this intuition is off, when they receive ilnesses at times, might be misdirected also, yet you can smell health IIRC I contemplate some Deida insights. Anyhow again I am just sharing as I am pretty much all alone now reconnecting ot parts of old friends from my family who treated me well etc. somehow “speaking up” also makes sense. The point is green society is an aboslute dream killer and I just hope good stuff will happen…

I have been posting this lately to get into chinese metaphysics as a western etc. as I took a chinese class at university etc. and meet a russian guy I punched him in the face when he sat inside the car, as I just knew on that day, that fucker will show up around here and I just want to go shopping what are the odds? He was there so I did it I was so angry about my ex leaving me and cheating and keeping stuff secret having 24k snapchat points, we going to a Bryson Tiller concert her beign allowed (through my consciouness 100% but sure proove that) was allowed to go up to him with my phone!!

Energy is odd, and I realized stuff and had odd paranormal experiences also in Shinzen retreats, were it’s smart to speak in a rather esoteric enviroment as many are not really ready and yeah even Shinzen is worried at times, and I did all of the biological checks and there is nothing… I am just that unique??

Like after the end of the relationship I got so mad and just accepted and allowed it white light was shooting into my apparently already highly active crown chakra and I was so high on light just pure white light I felt I could leave this body and planet and just come back, I was scared to function as a “consciouness a.i out of flesh” leaving dimensions etc. while fully functioning normally in this world… anyhow…

I will stop as I barely can put this into words, I was also again hit with this and this is due to cannabis also and without cannabis it does not really matter, although I smell it in my system, even when I did not consume it most likely as my father smoked some cannabis? Anyhow I hope I can connect these relationship insights and work with spiritual experiences.

As it also does not seem bothering till now, I might post some personal stuff, I’d be open to share in an integral setting or just generally already share, as I don’t have the finances anymore to afford a membership, as life in europe is not very economically friendly, and I have to find ways to create more money.

I work in tech as an engineer/developer etc. and I am studying for my masters degree after several people died and I got injured etc. I hope these posts are contemplative for others also, as they give me a lot of solace currently, and this place also, it also bothers me to store my notes. Also sort of as a representative of Europe and the U.S as I have both citizenships, my situation is just unique and integral just delivers answer after answer after answer, and I can create system after system after system. I am legit worried for retirement now, yet I should be fine I was born lucky in a sense, yet my medical condition with arthirthis and beign super fit just a mental headache at times, and I really want to move to the U.S as I get more money and can take better care of my health, the systems here… my last boss wanted me to work within some health care project, yet I was a bit offended due to discrimination and the strong Orange/green character of the company “claiming yellow” while only one person imo was yellow with strong german bias in individuality which I don’t get as we’re a collective oriented society, and the issue of this working with others it was horrible that from the elite university TU Munich a girl was so consens oriented and thinks it’s the higest form of communication and taking extra care of me, while I was sitting there thinking fuck I am wasting time I am not learning A.I, fuck I am wasting time I am not learning A.I then we did some stuff, and I had green consenus guidance and me coming from the “weaker” university chaning to an elite university, I had such a different opinion and the social skills of the girl were bad and she was the type to admit it also I bet, I somehow could not handle what we were doing and she and the boss were in constant agreement, while providing 0 guidance and just getting their own success (stage orange type of shadow?) in the end she left the project as she was unable to solve the stuff, and the new guy from the worse university who was just a systematic genius solved everything and provided the proper guidance and conncetion needed. It was so odd beign blamed for stuff and their so called “social skills” as a majority priviledge, idk it was very odd they even denied very simple solutions, and I thought wow this is just stupid nobody of you knows A.I you all want the stuff from my lectures, my lectures are fking Caltech level lectures, this company is a fking joke in what they are doing, and all you do is glory, vacation and food, why not move me to the tech project, from the German state as I legit have experience in unsupervised learning and that type of mathematics and coding, so I can learn, yet that did not happen etc. It was horrible in my pov and a childs joke of a company, when I saw their code and how many systems they implemented and deemed valid. It was rampant with dysfunctional integration of ideas, and just procrastination of students and their work.

Now I switched companies and work more in the domain what I learned during my bachelors including A.I and Ta-da! Me as a Gemini might have the chance to work with Gemini and I love android coding, nobody really knows where this software system is established in, like scanners at your local supermarket, smart tv’s, wearables watches etc. and I freaking love data, it was very odd seeing both high ends of the past company and it’s low end, as well as how people make money as a coder. As I learned different stuff and tbh my coding is not very good in terms of competitive coding, and I don’t like it either that way, as I enjoy a more creative drive and I hope I can nuture that, as I just self-sabotage to much at times. Anyhow the videos from Dr.Keith Witt and CoreyDevos have been a constant companion for me during my bachelors and while I was in psychotherapy and I included information from there IIRC and my psychologist reacted very well, the point is I wanted to work with “harder” modalities aka psychdelics and cannabis there was even a talk now here in Germany, as they struggle with the legalisation ( I see why after the break up with my ex and we both smoked cannabis lovely!, yet fuck experience and data is missing and tbh. the European way with tobacco mixing herion with cannabis is at times like not smart, I had to quit tobacco after this and now my favorite health coach Paul Check even uses it, but consciously!! with a vape due to the nicotine research I bet etc.)

I found ways to connect back to that timeline of where I felt healthy psychology and a building process and focus more on synchrodestiny type of experiences, in the last relationship I was to afraid, yet most of my synchronistic experiences are so wu-wu, and I would need to explain stuff with human desgin, as I apparently am a manifesting generator and as metal or monkey whatever in chinese metaphysics I am also apparently responsible for creating new changes in the world that seem childish similar to fire horse, and I have a double rooting in my day stem double metal Yang Geng Metal 庚, I am having billions of insights each day due to this, and the information corey is sharing and creating is fantastic and I am very thankful and grateful!! I created my own structure after doing courses in personal development that I can follow each day, and I take integral modalities and questions and weave them in and out into this, I started this a week ago and I am following Alex Hormonzi as a current role model as relationships for young people are hard, it’s mostly apperance and doing not beign, the more beign you include the more serious the relationship seem to get the more easily they move out of, even my psychologist had issues and talked about them and ironically these two occupations law/psychology are causing me trouble, she was a 3w2 or 4w3 and my last relationship was with a 3w2, I showed her the integral modalities, yet after the book presnetation of women can’t read maps… like fuck I had a realization where I hope I am allowed to be sexist due to skin color, as idk wtf is happening if Sidra Kahn is alive and arab/muslim women are coming after me, and I don’t get this planetary devastation of depth about the universe, like the level of contemplation is beyond in contrast to the pagan orientation of most majority priviledge ppl, like the universe and planets are so fast included, tarot, occult etc. it’s insane dating arabish/turkish women and there is a high openness generally speaking, also under black folk imo, at least at higher green and orange/Green levels of development.

I am fascinated by this and I hope I can contribute some stuff even here as a comment, as I would’ve loved to have had a competent psychologist such as Dr.Keith Witt and my old psychologist as they both would’ve said to me I’d believe you’re fine work on your communication and anger stuff, and you can get what you want and I enjoy improving relationships and it sort of has been an oddity of me, yet I realized after contemplating BaZi having lived in China denying myself seeing a feng-shui master after beign invited (rare to see them…) and now doing Feng-Shui !!! like … even in Key Glock (rapper) sings about this shit.

It’s to odd, I love the universe and I hope I can be on a better trace of abundance and include the spiritual aspect of development and find a girl that is willing to work, do retreats and have children and not to neglect the spiritual consciouness growth aspect as this topic with women, is annoying as idk what it is I don’t want children, yet I seem to attract women who want children, yet I only want children if she is capeable of accepting the level of depth I yearn for in my spiritual practice otherwise I go solo all the way that is decided 100%. I sometimes don’t do well reading subtle cues, yet 5 children without beign like a millionair is an insane task I wish and the girls who are attracted to me, idk I might have to change my picture marketing on tinder etc. yet I presume this is because I am high in compassion.

I get the joy of consciously raising children… yet my vision is more tranquil and peaceful… not as hectic and extroverted with 5 children… and I don’t enjoy the glee of extroverts at times, and idk I wish my ex would’ve realized to go slow, yet I also was to intense with my passion and love for her and I focused to much on the connection and not vision, which seems to be a consistent issue, due to 10 billion reasons, idk if I can have a girlfriend as I get a lot of feminine qualities at times due to developing masculine qualities and I am also just confused, what belongs to what. For e.g I thought the feelings I have around my vision were feminine qualities, yet the transcendental vision after skimming intimate communion from Deida is a masculine quality!! And we clashed at Green, due to me not practicing meditation (I needed rest from a new diagnosis and the deaths within my family… I broke down and healed now… but whatever…) and we had vision clashes, the point is these women arabic and islamic, consistenly go for black men … sorry… for bias… because they embody masculine traits and femine traits at times… they want themselves and see in themselves, the relationship was rather good, yet it’s like a life style excuse and idk how much cheating seems to happen, yet the bias and discrimination from the majority priviledge with life style and materalism baits, are odd it’s very odd. I don’t get it. Obviously, I am leaving out nuances, yet just reading Coreys map I get 10x insights into what I can do and create as idk just my 7 characteristic of the ennea is evoked and tbh I had more dates writting in my profile I am interested in integral psychology, than writing the tips I see on the internet this has been something that has been boterhing me as well, yet you could easily map and create stages of development in dating based on pictures and interest and attract that type of guy or girl, nowadays with the freedom these tools provide. Also these girls mostly than had integral qualities, I joined a player/game group and got roasted endlessly about beign a lost case, due to injuriy and stuff like this and typing to much etc. Yet it’s part of me and I don’t do it consciously at times, and already reduced tons of it… now I got so pissed after the good guy who roasted me perfectly like a drill sergent, yet the whole group exploded and yes he was toxic at times, yet it was the right kind of toxicity that is not discriminatory, yet shows the dark side of women and girls at times… like holy cow… buying tickets to ferrari places showing how monetarily oriented girls are to an extrem, I would give most guys more leeway many are happy with a decent girl. I am not I am appaled currently I contemplate beauty a lot and I score to high and received to many compliments etc. as a kid etc. it was an eye-opener I was treated like a women in beauty, now I break their heart. That is how it feels, because I am more in love with myself and I should make them more aware, and I notice the self-hatred that is still in me, based on conditioning as most of these compliments even as a kid I thought wow fuck that is superfical can you leave me alone? After accepting them more and internalizing them more I’ve accepted the love my physical apperance apparently can provide even though it’s bothering me at times, and I would enjoy loosing myself in the beauty of someone elses eyes…

I’ve read some stuff about racism or whatever where they are saying black ppl are stupid or whatever because they don’t have any light in their eyes, I am not big on black history it’s to triggering for me as I have German ancestors my entire vagus explodes with rage and I have to be thankful for stuff at a psychopathic level it’s not fun. I cope most likely with anime villians…lol and the heros obviously!!

The first time I had sex with my ex I was shocked her eyes were full of lust and I contemplated a new audiobook about the enneagram about 8’s her mother is an 8 and all she saw was lust, and I asked myself the question even if lust is not love, lust should lead to love to some level due to compassion and just initmacy, and I opened basically her eyes just having “mindful sex” I had no idea what I was doing, yet she became addicted and the sex was seemingly quite healing, until she realized the issue I saw before… yo my beauty standards are very high… and I can’t properly take care of myself in this country as it’s legit missing products and marketing for black people, the shit that makes you happy I can create tremendous amount of contempt, if you buy certain products or think XYZ is good for me without giving me rational scientific evidence at orange, or even facts. Anyhow… at the end her eye lit up and I think she realized that she as a women can bring in light, yet I doubt she sees at as deep of a purpose as she is addicted to family and has shadows etc. but she auto heals through dancing and art? So idk wtf is even happening I have never seen this. Most humans have never seen a relationship like this half turkish german girl with half american german guy (black & white) and I noticed this in the world… our dynamic was unique etc. I partially miss it, yet I am glad that I am out of their shadow and corruption zone. as my fking bike got stolen (briefly before we’ve meet) her ex had a criminal history both of them and one was even with the police and yeah did some damage to her genetelia that is irreversible… most likely… and I had such an anger protective vibe and I am still appaled against the system now, just fully betting on A.I as I don’t think at times humans are conscious enough… and I start to resent them for hurting such a beautiful beign… then again you could roast me from 10 angles, yet I don’t quite comprehend why it’s such an issue to see the feminine as divine, and what is the boundary of woreshipping her and just seeing her as divine, as I notice I have to see this in myself first otherwise I am simping, hence activing my inner divine female qualities while having stable divine masculin qualities. These are all still buzzwords to some extend, as I just listend to a lot of content and I benefit from reading and taking notes. I feel ready again after going through trauma healing to work on integrating healthier aspecets of my ego I had to neglect at 26 because of death, trauma and just exhaustion from experimenting. The more I take care of stage beige aspects of biology the better I can include this information about relationships and engage in healthier ones…

When I contemplate the map we we’re both good at Beign Togehter and Doing Togehter (LL and LR quadrant), yet had discreprancies in UL Being and UR Doing as for me I did not enjoy her UL in terms of family and the attachment to money, and I realized my family history a bit through this… and UR Doing where I struggle to keep my word, as I sabotage unconsciously the relationship if I don’t see the other as worthy, and this was mostly due to me not meditating anymore I don’t do this when I meditate and attune to myself, and idk where this stems from it is most likely a defense mechanism from beign discriminated… the point is… i am an INFJ and a holistic process oriented human beign in contrast to seeing ENFJ’s and INTP’s and their brain scans with (more or less cheap… eeg’s idk I am not an expert) and their judgement causes heavy distorients and imbalances, and even if they are right, they are so narccistically self-involved it will cause them more damage, and every process oriented holistic person knows this, and would know that they need to move out of the relationship at one point, as a judgmenet is like an obstacle or a hurdle you jump over to a more process oriented brain… and I was raised mostly by women, so I should be even more process oriented, as I’ve never been judged heavily in my life luckily, yet still a lot of small T traumas that causes annyoing responses (shadow light gave insight).

Also the point of men not listening and women not reading maps (I am not cheating and entering this in ChatGPT tbh, I did not like Cook-Greuters analysis about ChatGPT and I had very conscious teal type conversations with ChatGPT questioning wilber stuff and teaching the model like a child… a bit but fine… my German bias against her would be endless. I appreciate her research, yet I don’t enjoy status drive construct aware humans how I call them, as they seemingly instanitate wrong archetypes at times, where I feel intutively pissed idk how to call this, yet I hope I can get into Jung and Freud to some level more deeper. Also just family wise I don’t enjoy the past tense orientation of German speaking countries I prefer the ESTP type american country as it’s just better for processes and relationships than the introverted “feminization at times” of men I feel and I don’t enjoy it, I don’t feel manly or strong in europe with many men, and this is by energy and experience mostly!!! Not physical apperance etc. european men and people are very bitter and jealous, yet they strive more for their survival imo, while americans are more decadent and wild. Anyhow I am learning this I doubt the average stage green human you meet here is ready for this work, as they have to integrate shadow more than any other stage imo, as they are sensetive and regressing to amber to often and just incapeable of having a solid relationship that is not imo dysfunctional to some extend, as it will cause sexual issues and tensions, and I am pretty sure cheating etc. will happen or some open form of a relationship until a more teal approach is included, anyhow I am leaving it at that and learning about the horizions sorry for the long posting and typing, I am currently so done and still need like a year or so of relaxation and recovering after the deaths within my family and the injuriy… yet this is giving me a lot of freedom to move to such a space. Thank you very much!!

Oh I did not post this, yet wrote about it have fun!!! Trust me you won’t find anything better on the net, besides you speak chinese fluently. Or are ueber genius!!

An example using ChatGPT, I thought also about using IFS and stuff, yet I am so exhausted partially by injuriy I am looking for healing modalities and I would appreciate accupuncture and stuff, yet this is an analysis for example with ChatGPT and BaZi:

Strengthening your Metal energy as a Day Master to accomplish your goals with precision and integrity, while also managing sensitivity and staying focused, requires a multifaceted approach. The goal is to activate and refine your Metal energy, even in its “dead” state, so that it supports your efforts in a balanced and sustainable way.

1. Understanding the Role of Metal Energy:

  • Metal’s Core Qualities: Metal represents clarity, precision, discipline, structure, and the ability to cut through confusion. It’s also linked to a strong sense of integrity and the pursuit of excellence. However, when Metal is in a “dead” state, these qualities may feel diminished, leading to issues like over-sensitivity, lack of focus, or difficulty in sustaining efforts.
  • The Sensitivity Aspect: Metal, especially when weak or “dead,” can manifest as heightened sensitivity to criticism, emotional triggers, or environmental factors. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed, which can detract from your ability to pursue your goals with clarity and precision.

Another part for example is this, as my daymaster is metal and my profile => expresses through … is 7k Killings… and it’s an ueber drive of fire energy it’s unreal… I feel like Madara on PCP for a bit of a joke: (I never took PCP I just think Dave Chapelle is funny… which might is an integral issue anyhow…)

I feel super guilty posting on social media, as I mostly post integral stuff somehow at various stages, and it helps me sometimes it’s just to much and I act super needy, as I can’t fully meet my physical needs anyhow…

Posting Instagram Stories and Its Impact on Metal Energy:

When it comes to sharing your struggles and experiences on social media, particularly with positive intentions and realness, it can have several beneficial effects on your Metal energy:

  1. Expression of Authenticity:
  • Aligning with Integrity: Metal is strongly connected to integrity and authenticity. By sharing your real struggles and experiences with a positive spin, you are aligning with Metal’s value of honesty. This kind of expression can reinforce your sense of integrity and help you feel more connected to your true self.
  • Building Connections: Metal energy can sometimes be isolating, as it tends to be inwardly focused and rigid. Sharing your experiences openly on social media can help break down barriers and foster connections with others who might be going through similar challenges. This can provide a sense of community and support, which is important for emotional well-being.

Also to be critical I struggled ever since I am injured with this:

Potential Risks to Consider:

  • Over-Dependence on External Validation: While sharing struggles can be empowering, it’s important to be mindful of not becoming overly reliant on external validation (likes, comments) for reassurance. This can sometimes create an imbalance where the pursuit of external approval detracts from internal stability and self-assurance.

  • Maintaining Privacy and Boundaries: Metal values boundaries and a sense of control. Ensure that your sharing is done within a framework that respects your privacy and maintains the boundaries you’re comfortable with. This will help you feel secure and in control of your narrative.

I received negative comments and hate, also death threats in video games at times, just enacting metal qualities normally with a creative focus, and I notice these qualities more in humans, especially yin mao for example and it’s instability which is a given for example, yet I attract it apparently.

Anyhow this has been also a part of the relationship I posted above… as you can check compatability with a partner, yet the site also has some coding issues, if you switch the location you get a different compatability, so I take the average sort of the two things.

Also I am super pissed about what I need to eat, due to injury it’s very expensive, sorry I am having a headache to all of this, I have a lot of solutions, yet even after the inheritance there is no real place and space, and products to properly take care of myself without an american paycheck, it’s not fun and Germany is a very sick country, I have never seen so many hidden injuries and nasty shit within families, and I frankly dislike most parts of my genetics as these issue stem from my german side… (all white…)

Anyhow… before I enact my integral racist… my oncle from america contact me and I am super happy about beign able to have a proper social relation as my german family is just fucking sick and emotionally unavailable with these issues, and they are imo bitter freaks, anyhow sorry for the rant. I had several mental breakdowns due to the german family beign disgustingly inefficient and helpless because they killed themselves over years with the habits, mindsets etc. I don’t quite know what to do at times, besidse to look at healthy humans. I even have to go to court with this sick elderly german lady, which is hiding her corruption etc. and now stopped following me etc. I don’t even know if the person is here… anyhow… I still really need help, yet barely anyone can provide it based on competence… and now I am at fault? Funny isn’t it, I also hope all Family Guy humour finally ceases to exist and I can forget the past. I am so done with judeo-christian culture, send me to another galaxy

I might post some stuff here, to find solace, as long as it’s fine as I have been heavily discriminated at other forums, and I think this is a place with higher integrity, as young people nowadays are acting like predators at times online.

I show you what I cope with in my day to day reality as it’s just immense with orange/blue stages… it’s in German, yet should be comprehensible…

The imagery is disgustingly insane… this is how my A.I scientist friend with a PH.d copes as half thai half german…

Gottlose scheiße

I found a solution and it’s also integrally informed I forgot that I sometimes only watch this shallowly, I hope I can finish this series tomorrow and gain some in-depth insights, and apply this to the shadow light book, from Dr. Keith Witt I skimmed the entire book yesterday, and found immense value, as the story approach fits the construct aware stage and I am struggling with the struggles described by cook-greuter and other researchers for some time, and by reading it and becoming more aware I am letting go a lot and I notice nature/shamnic mystecism a lot, anyhow I hope as quickly as possible to move into a causal state, as I don’t enjoy the “animalisticness” even of the higher “indigo” stages, and it’s energy at least from what I’ve experienced that it could be like this, it’s to energy heavy or even when I intuit it and not as light and “condense” as a causal white light or non-dual experience… I just hope I am correct with this I’ve heard a lot of reports during retreats and from real humans a couple of them, especially women giving birth beign in distress and non-dual experiences, from the ex etc.!

The short answer is they can be both.

The longer answer is that it can be damaging early on when the brain is developing and you get addicted to it, especially if you have ADHD. As the brain matures and you get more executive function and can get handle on this, then it can be used sparingly in intimate occasions.

I don’t think everything can be explained simply, it’s an immense bias imo, yet fine!

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Struggling a bit with this topic, as there are so many viewpoints and I noticed I do better, as I have a high sex drive. This is from the German national Tv, gosh when I look it up I find like stage 3.0 people from the east talking about it.

This was still here, also I finally found integral evidence for the shadow light book!! Love it, I was so obsessed with the topic and legit training, yet my viewing habits are still, like I told my last partner everything and we even moved to some stuff, I thought not possible, yet right before that bam break up, I am so glad I am healing I just sensed I can now do shadow work based on african music, and pain anyhow. Things from now on out are going to be so so so much better

Porn is fine if not used addictively. Know the difference between
casual use and compulsive use.
• Casual use is fitting porn/masturbation into a good life and a good
sexual relationship with your partner.
• Compulsive use can be daily, extending for hours, interfering with
relationships, causing sleep deprivation, or creating obsessive
rumination (though, in fairness, many normal young men think
about sex almost every five minutes).