I don’t think church organizations concern themselves with Integral Theory, much less review the works. They have their own development plans, theories, strategies, teachings.
Every organization has rules and beliefs, particularly for those that intend to teach or lead. If you want to be a Professor of Intersectionality of get a PhD in Integral Theory, you would have to “commit deeply” in order to make it through the program and into the ranks of leader/teacher.
Being “Integral” does not mean you cannot also hold earlier stage beliefs. Just reading posts here on Integral Life there is much discussion on Spirituality. The community might want to use language that doesn’t reference Religion or God, but the belief systems don’t appear to be so different (to me that is). We even see posts like “New Axial Age” with reference to the start of the “first Axial Age” 2500 years ago. Is this so different from say the second coming of Christ? If anything it smells a whole lot like co-opting Christianity and Buddhism to lend a bit of credibility to IT.
The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are also different perspectives on Jesus Christ’s teachings. It makes perfect sense that others would have different viewpoints. The Bible was written before video cameras, so not sure how you could ever get irrefutable proof. LOL I’m a big fan of Gnosticism (not that I’m a scholar) and wonder if the Church left them out in order to get the bureaucracy a leg up on the population. Maybe I’m not that good a Christian after all. LOL
One thing that I keep pondering is that Integral Theory was developed from assessments of the real world, including religions, societal structures, developmental psychology, etc… We then then loop back on these very same structures used for the definition of Integral Theory (levels, etc) to assess them in an Integral Theory framework. What’s odd to me is I don’t see the Integral Community modifying the definition of Integral Theory nor the level definitions of say “the Church” based on these circular reassessments. I also see little/no reassessment what level “those people” or “those structures” are now at. Yet the Integral community is proudly climbing the ladder of enlightenment.
What I can see though is that, as in this example, the Catholic Church is very slow moving compared to a handful of Integral thinkers. But to not acknowledge that, sticking with our example, the Christianity is changing is in my mind intellectually bankrupt, unfair, and sadly ineffective. To also equate “all of those people” to a given level (e.g. “Literal Mythic”) is also intellectually bankrupt, unfair and sadly divisive.
To let you in on a secret. Many people (most?) that identify with a religion have no thoughts at all one way or another on all the points anti-theists use to denigrate the religion and it’s adherents. It’s like the bad joke that no one gets. LOL
Conversely it might behoove the Integral community to acknowledge that large scale structures just might be the best path to a glowing Teal Noosphere.
I’m not optimistic that the 17 (or 17,000 or 1.7M) of us on Integral Life will be able to make much impact. I know chances of me developing in my home office a “new religion” that’s “way better” isn’t something I would bet the farm on (or my Soul). LOL