Excellent question LaWanna. I’m not sure I predicted a GOP led “high probability collective nirvana”. If I did, that’s not what I think at all.
What I do think is that it’s only the Left that promises a carefree, all needs met, zero responsibility Nirvana. That’s oh so intoxicating for many, just as the promises of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Marcuse, and now Kendi, DiAngelo, et al. Coincidentally I just received an “award” of 2 free plane tickets and 3 nights hotel. I won’t be taking advantage of this “too good to be true” award as I’m “enjoyed” these before.
I’m basing my probabilities of various scenarios upon current political and general population awareness from what I know today. Maybe this changes before 2022, before 2024. Maybe I’m all wrong.
But I’m absolutely not basing any of these assessments on theories that “human society should mimic a global bee hive” (collectivism at all all costs) nor a solitary wasp (individualism at all costs).
Thanks for thinking of me LaWanna. I also think of you as I try to find a spirit focused drug-free Drum Circle here in AZ. I’ve got Harari’s book, but found it extremely historical and much prefer KW’s Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality or Theory of Everything.
Your Code of Hammurabi quote, at least for me, highlights the caste systems that have been prevalent for most of human history. Many nations today still have very clear caste systems. Codifying the legal system was way better than simply having the village chief, king’s court, or priest hand down perhaps arbitrary edicts.
I would characterize the Code of Hammurabi as a legal system - don’t steal, don’t assault, don’t kill - but bereft of the spiritual layer we have with Christianity. We’ve essentially bifurcated into “legal code” and “moral practices” here in the modern world. The beauty is we each get to choose our moral code.
Reality is you or I have some but limited ability to impact the upcoming elections. You might get Gosar out of office - that should be an easy one - but instead of focusing on government mandated societal changes, could we come together to help people break free of what I’m assuming is an implied caste system here in the US? For what it’s worth, I grew up in a likely a 3 1/2 shekal family LOL.
Could we collaborate on education, economic development, or is government fiat the best way?
Would it be acceptable to steer capable kids into the hardest field that they can succeed in, which might be a vocational or trade school or apprenticeship program or simply going to work?
What if our schools taught classic academics instead of social activism? The countries that teach the classics are kicking our ass as Corey points out.
Could we hold universities accountable for promoting education tracks that lead to careers they could have started out of high school?
What can we work on together LaWanna?